• Free
  • Category: Photo & Video
  • Released: 25 September 2013
  • Version: 1.0.0
  • Size: 3.1 MB
  • Language: English
  • Developer: Taber Buhl
  • ©2013 Taber Buhl

Rated 4+
Compatibility: Requires iOS 6.0 or later. Compatible with iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch. This app is optimized for iPhone 5.


Share a moment as a looping animated GIF with the greatest of ease!

» FREE today on launch day only! «

Gifquick is the quickest and easiest way to share your adventures with groups of friends or family in the animated GIF format that everyone knows and loves.

· Create, compress, upload, and copy the GIF and its private URL in one tap!
· Direct GIF URLs! (No annoying ads or anything surrounding your GIF.)
· GIFs targeted/optimized to approximately under 2 MB.
· Universal - use Gifquick on your iPad, iPhone or iPod.
· No account signup required. (Seriously!)

Direct GIF URLs let you easily share your GIF just about anywhere: SMS/Text Message/iMessage, Twitter, Email, Tumblr, Wordpress, your web site - anywhere you can post an image. No plug-ins or browser upgrades needed.

After 24 hours, GIFs are deleted from the server. As long as nobody you've trusted with the URL has saved or otherwise copied the GIF, it's gone! Note: the 24 hour expiration only applies to GIFs on the server, not your recipient(s) mail folders or text messages, etc.

Gifquick was designed to be simple, stay out of your way, and let your animated GIFs be the center of attention.

Get in touch instantly with any problems or suggestions by tapping the "Gifquick" logo in the app, by visiting http://gifquick.uservoice.com/ or reach out to support@gifq.co.

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